Every week I go to art model sketching. We are with 8 people drawing/painting/sketching and 1 model. The model is situated in the middle of the room, so we can walk around and see (usually) her / (sometimes) him from all sides.

One side of the room is all mirrors, so we can also see the model in de mirror. Before the break we do poses of 7 minutes and after the break of 10 minutes. We are very lucky to have great models; most of them have a ballet background, which makes them great at posing.

I like short poses because: I'm more concentrated because of the timespan; it forces me to concentrate on what is important and what is not; it makes my adreneline flow, which gets me in some sort of flow.

And last but not least, it allows the model to take poses which aren't possible with long poses.

On the other hand getting to hasty my pitfall.
In 7 minutes I usually do about 3 sketches.

I like pen and ink and glossy paper. I like smooth paper, because the pen travels easier on it. This paper I bought it at some sort of junkstore, not at a proper artshop.

I don't even know if it is real paper and not some sort of plastic, and I don't know if it is acid free or things like that, I just like the way it draws.

The problem is that it doesn't dry fast enough, so I have to carefully spread the drawings all over the floor, but sometimes this goes wrong, too bad.

Yesterday I made 37 drawings, these I like best