donderdag 4 oktober 2012

Boekverloting / Book Giveaway

( I'll start in Dutch, please scroll down for English )

Eind vorig jaar ben ik benaderd door Carla Sonheim, die mij vroeg of ik gast kunstenaar wilde zijn in haar nieuwe boek: Drawing and Painting Imaginary Animals en deze maand is het boek gepubliceerd. Hierboven zie je de omslag. Het boek is in het Engels, maar haar vorige boek: Tekenlab is beschikbaar in het Nederlands.

Ik heb het boek van de week in de post gekregen. Het is een hartstikke leuk boekje en ik ben echt heel trots dat mijn werk er ook in staat. Het is een werkboek voor het maken van fantasie dieren. Het bevat allerlei ideetjes, tips en oefeningen, voor tekenen, schilderen en ook knutselen. Alle oefeningen worden uitgebreid uitgelegd, met veel foto's. Je krijgt zin om er lekker mee aan de slag te gaan als je het leest. Het boekje laat tevens het werk zien van twaalf gast kunstenaars uit diverse landen, waaronder ondergetekende.

Deze twee sumi-E's van mij zijn in het boek opgenomen:

Ter promotie van het boek mag ik 1 exemplaar weggeven middels loting. 

Dat gaat als volgt: wil je in aanmerking komen voor een gratis exemplaar, laat dan hieronder een reactie achter. Op 7 oktober zal ik dan met een programmaatje ( de winnaar bepalen.Van de winnaar zal ik het adres vragen en doorgeven aan Carla en zij zorgt ervoor dat het boek bij jou terecht komt. Natuurlijk zal ik op de blog melden wie de gelukkige winnaar is.

Kijk ook eens op Carla Sonheim's blog en op haar website. Online biedt zij ook allerlei ideetjes en oefeningen voor tekenen, schilderen en knutselen.

Het boek ik ook bij te koop

en nu voor de Engelstaligen :

I am very excited and proud that Carla Sonheim asked me to be a guest artist in her latest book: Drawing and Painting Imaginary Animals. A couple of days ago I received my copy of the book in the mail and I totally love it!!

As part of her two week celebration, promoting her book at her blog: am proud to be able to give away a book here on my blog.

Please leave a comment on my blog if you want to win a free copy of the book and october 7th I will pick a winner randomly.

If you wish to purchase a copy of the book, you can click on the following links:
from Barnes & Noble
from Qbookshop
from Independent Bookstores

If you are new to my art, please visit my website for more info

72 opmerkingen:

Ginnie Hart zei

How can anyone say NO to that??!! :)

Anita zei

Nu het boek ook in het eggie gezien, hartstikke mooi!
Ik vind het zo leuk dat buuf er in staat!

Anoniem zei

Hi! Ik wil dat boek sowieso: De V staat erin en die had ik ook op een shirt, ben dat shirt nu kwijt:-(
Trouwens indrukwekkende toevoeging op je CV Pee!

Desiree zei

Ok, die hieboven ben il dus;-)

Paige zei

I love the simplicity yet complexity of your art!! Beautiful and inspiring! Thank you for participating in the book giveaway celebration. I love meeting new artists!

lot zei

Wat een prachtige hondentekeningen! Gefeliciteerd met je aandeel in het boek van Carla Sonheim! Leuk dat je een boek mag weggeven en ik doe graag mee!

eleni17 zei

Love your art, congratulations for being included in the book! Thanks for the chance to win!

Sunny Carvalho zei

It was a pleasure to see your work. I'm sure it is quite exciting to be featured in Carla's new book, as well. Congratulations!

Sara zei

This book looks phenomenal. Thank you for the chance :)
I'm also glad to add another inspiring artist to my list :)

Papper zei

What powerful and yet simple brushstrokes. Beautiful work!

Tisha Smith zei

Congratulations on being featured in Carla's book!!! I'd love to win it:)

wwilloww zei

I love your sumi-E images, they have such heart!!! Congrats on being published in Carla's book. I would love to see the peacock used in the book, so it would be great to win a copy!!! Thanks for the chance to do just that.

Judy zei

I'd love to receive a copy of the book. I'm enjoying "meeting" other artists through Carla's website, and look forward to seeing more of your work through your blog (just signed up). Thanks!

Dave zei

Love your blog! I'd like to win that book too!

Corinne Loomer zei

After looking at your photos, your sumi drawings
and your ditigal drawings I can see why Carla choose you to be in the book! I love seeing how you are pushing yourself artiscally!

TinaW zei

I love your dogs. Great job adapting an ancient tradition to reflect your sensibilities.

Cathy zei

Your art is an inspiration. Congratulations on getting in the book and thanks for showing us your art.

Vee zei

I am absolutely in love with that ostrich! It's beautiful!

Congrats on making into Carla's book. Thank you for the opportunity to win one!

Melva zei

WOW, your sumi work is just wonderful. The dogs are so full of life. Congratulations for being in Carla's book you really deserve it.It's a really good way to get your work out there.

The Bodhi Chicklet zei

Lovely, amazing, beautiful! Your art captures the essence of your subjects so perfectly. I am happy to find you through the amazing Carla!

Marcia Beckett zei

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have a copy of the book. Congratulations on getting your artwork published! Marcia

pipers1mom zei

What cute dogs! Thanks for the inspiration.

Joanne zei

love your work petra love the simplicity and asian influence love new artists to follow

Joanne zei

love your work petra love the simplicity and asian influence love new artists to follow

Els04 zei

Oh, hoe tof! In den boek van Carla staan: wow!!!
Liefs Els

Anny zei

Dankzij Carla vond ik je blog. WOW! Natuurlijk doe ik mee met de give-away. Van Carla's vorige boek heb ik erg genoten. En... gepubliceerd worden is altijd leuk he?

cwcdesign zei

Hi Petra,

I love that we can learn about different artists through Carla. And, your Sumi-E drawings are wonderful - it a technique I have wanted to learn for a long time.

I would love the chance to win Carla's book

Gill zei

Hi Petra
Thank you for sharing your wonderful work!

bwheather zei

Just love your art. Would also love to win a copy of the book. Thanks. ;-)

Dotti zei

I look forward to seeing your work in Carla's new book. Your group of dogs is just wonderful!

Antoinette V. zei

Love your words: "To paint . . . gives me energy, strength and joy. ” What a beautiful feeling and it shows in your work! My favorite is the last on your post of the long row of dogs running. Really playful!

Jennifer Powell zei

Your drawings are amazing. I especially love the running (jumping?) dog on Carla's blog - it reminds me of my dog in the field.

serendipity zei

luv yer doggies , the doggies in a row I like best.
loved my time in bloomendale in holland and couldn't get enough of katenspeck to eat.
ciao joan in italy

Victoria zei

I would LOVE to receive Carla's book. VLSAUSTIN AT HOTMAIL DOT COM

rycz zei

I love your artwork! Very beautiful :)

Imaginary Animals looks like an amazing book.

accounts [at] rycz [dot] com

Becki zei

I love your animals!

Cindy zei

I love being able to meet you. Your Art is amazing and beautiful. So happy to be able to participate in this giveaway!

Leone zei

I love your artwork, your dogs are adorable. Please enter my name in the draw for Carla's book. It looks like such fun.

JaneT zei

Love your groups of dogs and that ostrich is so sassy she makes me smile.

Amy Louise zei

You know JUST what to leave out and capture the spirit of these animals. I would love to learn how! And I would love to get my hands on the book (:

Natalie Ward zei

Love your stuff love her stuff would love to win this book!!

Mel zei

I would love to win a copy of the book! So fun!

tutorial girl zei

Your mark on paper is so unique, I like it.

Suzanne zei

Thanks for the chance to win!

Meg zei

I love all your dogs!

Erin Fish zei

I love your art. Beautiful (I am new to your site) Thank you for participating in this great give away.

funkycrafter zei

have been going through your blog. what a wonderful range of feelings are projected from your art. the use of color in your digital drawings is so cool.

Anoniem zei

I love your dogs! What wonderful images you create. I'd also love to win a copy of Carla's book. Thanks for sharing your work.

peggyh zei

I so want to win this book. I certainly can see why Carla chose your work to be in her book. Love it.

peggyh zei

I so want to win this book. I certainly can see why Carla chose your work to be in the book. Love it.

peggyh zei

I so want to win this book. I certainly can see why Carla chose your work to be in her book. Love it.

Fallingladies zei

Thanks for the chance to win ths book, it looks great!

tammy murdock zei

Your art is beautiful!!

Unknown zei

I love your fresh modern approach to sumi-e painting! I am dying to win this book. carla's work makes me very happy.

Myriam zei

What a treat to see your blog, and to get a chance to win the book!

kimwit zei

Such energy in a single line. Thanks for doing what you do and for sharing. Thanks to Carla for the introduction to you and a chance to score her latest release!!

Susan zei

So happy to be on this blog party journey. I signed up for your blog. Cool stuff. I make crazy creatures.
Hoping I am a winner.

Shauna zei

I absolutely love your dog artwork. So wonderful. Congratulations on being a contributor to Carla's new book. Very exciting! Thanks as well for this opportunity to win a copy of her book.

Linda zei

Pop in in the draw, Thanks. Awesome artwork

Linda zei

Pop me in the draw thanks. Not sure if this is working for me

Riet Janssen zei

Prachtig boek,leuk voor je dat je er in staat.
Met die leuke hondentekening
Krachtig werk van je.

Cynthia Schelzig zei

Wonderful art you show here on your blog!! Of course,,,please enter me in the giveaway for Carla's book...happy weekend to you!

Hevalo zei

Ziet er goed uit
gr. Henk

Daris Judd zei

Your work is a pleasure to view. It is always wonderful to see fresh art. Thank you

Stacey zei

Would love to win a copy of Carla's book.

B @ Sweet Limes zei

Your work is amazing, I'm so glad Carla sent us over here to check it out.

Cheryl zei

Beautiful work!

Kristin zei

Thanks for the chance to win the book. I enjoyed your work as well.

Shena Meadowcroft zei

I love your work! It's amazing how much life and joy you portray with simple line work... "Danke" for the chance to win a copy of Carla's new book ~

loek. zei

Loek kennis zei.. proficiat,prachtige werk, ontzettend inspirerend voor jong en oud,fantasie wordt geprikkeld,omgaan met verschillende materialen,lijkt mij ook een boekje dat in elke bibliotheek van de lagere scholen moet staan.

Fiber Lily zei

Loving the art and the illustrations. Such inspiration. Congrats on the book
It's amazing to see artist at work together zei

Thanks for the opportunity..lovely work!